Algorithmic Trading for Stocks
TradingView offers real-time alerts based on various trading conditions. These can be configured based off the definitions of price movements, or the configuration available from a technical indicator or script. In this video, we review all scenerios to set alerts that can be send to email, text, or in-app.
Below is the detailed documentation on how to get started with tradingview alerts. Step 1.
How To Create Strategy Alerts
Make sure the backtest is performing well. Past performance is no guarantee of future results, but patterns do tend to repeat. Notice that on the strategy below, we have a percentage profitable of 95% for the backtest. We usually like to leverage strategies with performance exceeding 65% as a baseline.

Step 2.
How to Setup Alerts
Select the Alerts icon on the top of the chart. This will prompt a pop-up window where the user can set the definitions of the alert. For condition, select the script of reference (In this instance "UltraAlgo Multi-Chart"). You can choose to receive notifications via in-app, email and text.
When creating an alert, remeber to title the alert under the "Alert name" field.
Then click "Create" and the alert will fire when the chart meets the conditions in the indicator / strategy.

Step 3.
Trade Alerts
Once the alert is created, you can monitior performance by navigating to the right panel of the chart and clicking on the clock icon. At the top of the screen, users can see individual alerts, and the alert logs are right below that panel (referencing time stamps of when the alerts fire).
Step 4.
Delete Trading Alert
To delete / de-activate an alert, simply click on the "X" on the specific alert on reference.

The most important for a day trader is to follow a strategy consistently. In our videos series, we cover various day trading strategies, focus on improving your overall performance. Our algorithm is designed to simplify the processing of identifying patterns, allowing traders to identify opportunities to buy and short various securities.
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