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Algo Trading

Trading platform with pre-built indicators, designed to outperform the market. Leverage our Optimizer to find the highest profits in seconds! 

UltraAlgo Trading Platform
TradeStation Algo Trading
Interactive Brokers Logo
TradeStation Logo
TD Ameritrade Logo
How It Works

Trading Signals

Simplify the Buying or Shorting process by following the signals. Validate the pattern and control risk by leveraging our easy-to-follow backtesting. Understand opportunities for consistent returns, then leverage the signals for timely execution. 

Algo Trading Tool
Trading Signals
Backtesting Strategy
Backtesting Indicator

Stock Optimizer

Our platform was designed for speed. It runs algorithms that also allows users to identify the best performing combination of settings at the click of a button in seconds.

Optimization outputs can be tuned either for Profit Factor (percentage of wins) or Profits (realized returns). Have access to the same features that are usually reserved for HFT (High Frequency Traders) by leveraging the power of genetic algorithms.

Trade Alerts

Our genetic algorithms scan the market in real-time to identify the best trading opportunities. Trade with accuracy by focusing on alerts with a high "Profit Factor" or "Profitability".

Trade by Industry, with the ability to filter across over 25 sectors. 

Trading Algo Setup

Stock Market News

Match the technical strategy with the latest fundamental data, available across thousands of tickers. Real-time feed with all the latest news and none of the noise on your favorite tickers. All articles include a time-stamp, headline, description and link to the source. 


Advanced Market Depth Level 2

We now offer customers two ways to trade the spread between the market price. Our widget includes live data between the Bid, Bid Size, Ask, Ask Size and Price. This is available in either a real-time table feed or can be set as a plot.

Advanced Settings

To identify the most profitable parameter combination along with balancing speed and accuracy, users are now able to select the optimization metric (Profits or Profit Factor), the type of optimization (Grid or Genetic Algorithm), and the optimizer settings (e.g., maximum number of iterations or running time).

Stock News
Broker Integration

Execute trades to multiple platforms and track portfolio performance seamlessly. Integrations includes TradeStation, Interactive Brokers, TD Ameritrade and Alpaca. We also offer simulated trading which allows customer to validate strategies prior to execution into live accounts.

Options Data for Stocks.png

Options Data for Stocks

Understand future trends with a quick glance on the visualized options data. We include expiration data in an easy-to-digest format, breaking down OI (Open Interest), PCR (Put-Call Ratio) and Max-Pain. Only provider of this data for retail investors.


Login to platform using the link below.


Type in a Ticker on the right of the screen.


Click "Optimize" button, then "Go". That's it!

Software Requirements

None! Real-Time Trading Data (NYSE / NASDAQ / OTC) included with the subscription. 

Installation Videos

Getting Started | Setup

Getting Started | Optimization

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